Ghanaian Reggae/Dancehall Blogger Jullie Jay-Kanz gets recognition from WMG

Ghanaian Reggae/Dancehall Blogger Jullie Jay-Kanz gets recognition from WMG World Media Group, organisers of World Media Awards,have sorted after celebrated Ghanaian female blogger and Nurse Jullie Jay-Kanz to submit her projects for nominations for the impending 2018 edition. According to Jullie , the recognition is enough to determine that she has really put in so much efforts and that her works are being appreciated not only in Africa but worldwide. The female blogger took to her Facebook page yesterday to inform how elated she felt receiving such an offer from the organizers who are based in the United Kingdom. “WORLD MEDIA AWARDS CONTACTED ME VIA EMAIL YESTERDAY TO ASK WHETHER I WILL BE INTERESTED IN THIS YEAR’S EDITION!! GRATEFUL TO KNOW THAT MY WORKS ARE BEING APPRECIATED NOT ONLY IN AFRICA BUT WORLDWIDE! THIS IS AN HONOUR!! #HELLOGH ” Talking in an interview with Cypressghana Jullie explained that the organizers look out for media personnel...