MAAME GRACE; First African to Document The Anunnaki

In a groundbreaking docutorial, Maame Grace, a Ghanaian spiritual visionary and divinity coach, has documented the pantheon of gods under the Annunaki, an ancient civilization that is said to have created and ruled over humanity. The docutorial, which is available on YouTube for free viewing, is the first of its kind to offer an African perspective on the Anunnaki, a topic that has been largely ignored or distorted by mainstream religions and media. Maame Grace, who is a renowned spiritual teacher and leader, challenges the conventional narratives of the Annunaki, which are based on the ancient Sumerian tablets that describe their arrival on Earth some 250,000 years ago. She does not deny the historical evidence of the Sumerian tablets, but rather presents a visionary account of the Annunakis' celestial origin from outside the Earth's star system and their benevolent intention to save mankind from a cataclysmic event. Maame Grace's docutorial is a bold and innovative ...