Beneath the golden dawn’s embrace Ghana’s spirit finds it’s place On independence day so grand, We celebrate with heart in the hand, the true legends of the land. Legends and ghosts always got along with the living. From chains of colonial rule we break free , our heart ablaze with unity .Osagyefo’s voice so clear and bold ,Ghana our beloved land unfolds .His excellency , the right man Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah the show boy the perfect name Ghanaians call him! Kwame’s call, a nation rose United strong, from the darkest foes. Sixty –eight years still counting in a position of strength and peace an example to Africa in positive direction. Ghana ayekooGhana Ayekoo , Ghana Ayekoo ooo a proud display of freedom anthem. Ghana still the gate way to Africa. The flag , a beacon of our might, the red which represent the blood shed during our struggle for independence , the gold signifying the mineral wealth of the nation , green for our forest and vegetation, th...