Kpese Boii, Kofi Bright, Doppy Santana to perform at Gee Gees Executive Unisex Salon grand opening

Gee Gees Executive Unisex Salon officially opens in Kpando this Thursday, March 28th. Gracing the occasion for the grand opening are 3 buzzing new artistes - Kpese Boii, Doppy Santana and Kofi Bright who will be performing for clients and the public who will throng the edifice this Thursday, March 28th. Gee Gees Executive Unisex Salon came at the right time and already, Kpando citizens across social media and within the community are super excited. They’re located adjacent the Shell Filling Station in Kpando, near Ashfoam. For a very long time the business community hasn’t witnessed such a plush salon that caters for both sexes. Now the good news is here — they offer services such as Haircuts, Hairstyling, Drealocks, Pedicure, Manicure, among other grooming related services. Kindly refer to flyer for more details.