Franky (Kuri Frank) is not an Orphan, Disregard and Ghanaweb publication

Franky (Kuri Frank) is not an Orphan, Disregard and Ghanaweb publication

In reaction to the alleged Franky aka Kuri Frank is an orphan and doesn’t know who her parents are, started by then picked by Ghanaweb, family and friends has spoken asking Ghanaians to disregard it and share the same sentiment.

The dishonest media continue to make fake publications to taint the image of Franklina Yaa Nkansah aka Franky or Kuri Frank as many of you have to know her.

Franky died in a car accident with Ebony when they were returning from family visit.

An article title ” Help Franky kuri’s Family bury her – Friend begs government” which appears on website is a published false statement that is damaging to Franky and her family reputation.

The website had libeled her by publishing an article based on Facebook post made by Elikem who claims to know Franky for two years.

In the article publisher claims “According to Elikem, Kuri was an orphan because “she had no mother and her father never looked after her and her younger brother, and so she considered herself an orphan.”
“Given this situation, Elikem reveals that Franklina’s family is poor, and they are struggling to raise money to even retrieve her body from the morgue”.

The publication did not verified Elikem claims because wanted to be the first site to break what they deem as breaking news.

Ghanaweb also did a terrible job by allowing unverified post to be published on their site.

Franky indeed lost her mother years ago and the father is very involved in her life.

Franky came to America after high school and spent 10 years in the states before going back to Ghana.

Franky Family are not struggling to come up with money for her burial and they don’t need the government to bury her.

Please disregard the shameful post by and Ghanaweb.

They are hungry seeking traffic websites with no credibility.

Shame on them! have some damn respect for the grieving family and friends.



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